Success Stories
Our community make bold decisions, take focused action and create lives they once only imagined. Curious what might be in store for you?
Below are a collection of testimonials, feedback and insights from our community whether it be from part of our training programs, our workshops or personal mentoring sessions.
Rebecca, Company Director from Staffordshire
Taku Munemo
“Thanks for your time and help yesterday Stuart. I have woken up this morning with a completely different Outlook on my business. I am also glad that my gut feelings (that were conflicting with what I was being taught) were not too far off. I will start with smaller investments in carefully chosen projects to create a small passive income.
This will allow me to generate the funds to get the right training from you on how to structure an investment company which will provide a service for people to make more of their money. The vehicle for that will be property investments using the community and our own deals. Through our initial deals with our own cash we can gain experience and credibility, creating our own history, this will be the spring board to larger projects, and bigger investments.
I achieved more in 45mins with you than 4 days of Masterclass and a full days on patch coaching with others!. Thanks”
Stewart Blake
“Just to share ….. all that hard work raising money?…. just completed on the new barns!!!! 🍾🎊 now to Simon to pull them magically into beautiful homes xxx
Have a lovely weekend x…..”
Mel & Simon Osborne
Property Developers, North Devon/North Cornwall
“Hi Stuart – wanted to give you an update – just had an offer accepted on some flats – you’ve been a massive part of this, so thank you.
And another £100k to add to the pot from today – holy shit!!!! 😳🎉🎊
Thanks!! So much down to what you’ve taught me 😊. Can’t wait to take this as far as I can! Yeeeeey!!”
Sean, Property Developer – Surrey
“Thanks so much for helping us move forwards – when you look at the “Simple” model you created and the way we transact these days – it’s become second nature to us these days as we do it with all the landlords we work with. Recently I spoke to one landlord we’ve worked with in the past about what we’re doing now and he’s invested in other areas of our business now, and now his son has too and now his daughter too so I have a bank of investors even in one family waiting for more opportunities right now. Thanks to you and your lovely family – let’s have a drink soon!”
Ritchie Mazivanhanga,
Director – Southampton Apartments, Southampton